Staying Afloat

Lately I find myself happy with where life is but I haven’t exactly been challenging myself. I am staying afloat which is dangerous because I am supposed to be growing and taking advantage of all life has to offer. When it comes to taking risks, “the worst that can happen is you end up right back where you are and you’re the master of where you are!”

This summer I started a dreams and goals journal but I haven’t been working on any of the items lately.  By November 1st I want to accomplish these 10 goals in hopes of having great experiences, growing and brightening other people’s days.

1.) Pumpkin Carving: I never did this as a child, so this Halloween I want to carve my first pumpkin! It may get messy and take a while but I’m really excited to experience this! We have to indulge in those moments we missed as a child.

2.) Make Steps Toward a Date: My dating life has been stagnant lately, which partially comes from me being really busy. The other part of that is I’ve been loving just hanging out one-on-one with friends and doing my typical things but I want to put myself out there somehow. At the least I have to ask for a guy’s number or give him my number, but these only being if I have a genuine interest.  Of course a guy asking me out or giving me his number accomplishes the overall goal. Embarrassment from rejection is very temporary but those thoughts of what if and wondering last SO much longer. In the end I have no fear when it comes to this.


3.) Lucy & Leo’s Cupcakes: A part of my dreams and goals journals I want to go with my friend Laura to Lucy & Leo’s Cupcakes. This is the perfect time with Lucy & Leo’s having specialty cupcakes for the season. I love cupcakes and Laura and I love to eat together so it is a perfect match! 🙂

4.) Movies to See: My goals journal has many movies I wrote down this summer I want to see. Winnie the Pooh is a childhood favorite but I haven’t seen the movie from this summer. I want to see Morning Glory even though it wasn’t spectacular according to friends. It’s just something simple I want to do before it’s three years later.

5.) Amazing Mentee: I have an amazing mentor from last year that is now in Chicago. FPRA has its mentor/mentee matchup this week and I want to meet someone great! I want to help them with more than applying for the public relations program. Since I was originally denied and later accepted, I know what both ends are like and that provides me with great insight as a mentor.

6.) This I Believe 2: I read the first one as our freshman class book but a second one came out and I want to  start reading the second one. This book has so many beliefs from people based on their experiences and it fascinates me! I love to read books where I can get inside people’s minds and understand what makes them who they are.

7.) Compliments: Every day I want to compliment someone I hardly or have never talked to in hopes of brightening their day. But I want it to be about their personality and not something materialistic like their clothes.

8.) Grateful: At the end of each day I want to write five things I am thankful for.

9.) Questions: Every day I want to be asked at least one deep question that mentally challenges me or makes me analyze some part of my life. I need anyone to help me out, so I hope friends and even strangers will tweet me questions @JarrydK or ask me anonymously at if they don’t ask me in person.

10.) Clean Place: I want to clean my room, desk, and kitchen every day before I go to sleep. It’s not really messy. It’s just I usually get so busy that I don’t worry about it. So every night when I go to sleep, I want to have everything in its place!

So these 10 challenges and goals start now!


I hope you have enjoyed this post! Feel free to comment, follow/tweet me on Twitter @JarrydK, or ask me questions anonymously at

Published by Jarryd

It’s only with a touch of bold that we achieve our goals and experience the moments we thought may never become a reality.

2 thoughts on “Staying Afloat

  1. You are quite a realistic and down to earth person. Your list is achievable and doable, nothing grandiose like some of the things I read about on other blogs. Yours is keep it real. Really nice.

    Cheers !

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