Daring Greatly

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; whoContinue reading “Daring Greatly”

Wake Up Call Wednesday 7/24/13

Wake Up Call Wednesday! I was inspired this morning to remember all we want to know is “You are worthy!” Worthy to feel beautiful, empowered and  have anything you desire. Growth happens over time, but once we accept we’re worthy, the rest follows. “You is kind. You is smart. You is important.” – Kathryn Stockett _______________________________________________________ I hopeContinue reading “Wake Up Call Wednesday 7/24/13”

Fuck Yes or No

A friend shared with me this great article by Mark Manson , but if you allow it, this article extends beyond sexuality and even dating but to friendships and work.  I aim to stick to original content, but found this truly inspiring with great points. More vulgar than usual posts, but let’s all say, “FuckContinue reading “Fuck Yes or No”


This week I turned down the opportunity to intern remotely with a start-up after initially accepting. The opportunity seemed exciting. It’d be fresh, a chance to expand my skills and challenge myself by working across multiple time zones. But I turned it down. As summer approaches, my friends and I sit together contemplating opportunities. What’sContinue reading “U-Turn”

You Believed

We want to believe that if we believe in people, if we believe in ourselves, life rewards us. But the honest to goodness truth is you’re left sometimes feeling like an outsider on your own life and desires. Desire sometimes leaves you heartbroken. If you believe in believing one more time, this can be theContinue reading “You Believed”

Know What You Want And Why

I sat at the FSU Inaugural Gala for the next Student Government administration as the Vice President, Kathryn Porwoll, gave her outgoing speech. I searched my pockets quickly for a pen, because I knew the next few words coming out of her mouth would apply to me, along with the others in the ballroom. “Know whatContinue reading “Know What You Want And Why”

2013, Which Way?

Every new year, every school semester, I imagine all these goals and resolutions that will come true. I’ll be in better shape. I’ll make moves career wise. I’ll be dating this great significant other. This year though, I don’t have those goals. I feel like I’m on the brink of something big I can’t quiteContinue reading “2013, Which Way?”

What We Deserve

Every school break I go home to what feels like some of the same family drama. One person has says something to annoy another, my little brother and sister of course fighting with each other and me starting out this trip home by knowing exactly how many days and hours this ordeal could last. WhatContinue reading “What We Deserve”

He Ran from Me

It wasn’t that I still had feelings for him or really even hoped the text was true. Seeing those words was surreal. I wanted the truth. I wanted him not to be able to play my heart like it felt like the others did. I wanted to feel desirable – someone attracted to me likeContinue reading “He Ran from Me”

Alone Right Now

I remember walking back upstairs to my room after my mom dropped me off at college. She cried all the way here and as she started to drive off. I remember feeling like we were driving into an unknown. As I walked back into my room and sat down, I thought to myself: This isContinue reading “Alone Right Now”