No Yellow Brick Road

As I look at my fellow public relations graduates and friends, I have to ask, Does everyone seem to know what they’re doing next with their career but me? But then, I’m reminded, no. We weren’t promised a yellow brick road when we graduated, but no one warned us the streets were so tough againstContinue reading “No Yellow Brick Road”

Turning the PR Page

For the first time I had to seriously question if it was time for a change to my young professional career. During my trip to Chicago last month it was time to decide what was next after graduation. I had to ask myself do I want to go full-time at the PR agency where IContinue reading “Turning the PR Page”

Know What You Want And Why

I sat at the FSU Inaugural Gala for the next Student Government administration as the Vice President, Kathryn Porwoll, gave her outgoing speech. I searched my pockets quickly for a pen, because I knew the next few words coming out of her mouth would apply to me, along with the others in the ballroom. “Know whatContinue reading “Know What You Want And Why”

Timeless Date!

This past Valentine’s Day, I wasn’t sad about not having a Valentine, but at the fact I couldn’t be creative for someone. I love surprises and being able to come up with ideas. Valentine’s Day may be gone, but a great date idea is timeless. Along with asking my friends about Bold First Moves, I alsoContinue reading “Timeless Date!”

Christopher Robin Said to Pooh

Loyalty can be a lonely place. Loyalty to your work, and your friendships, and mainly to yourself leads to confusion. The constant struggle to do what is right towards everyone along with yourself eventually leads to choices. Choices changing the complacent present. Even though you know this choice is correct, the future looks hazy andContinue reading “Christopher Robin Said to Pooh”

The Caterpillar

Welcome to spring semester and the new year. It’s time to look around those classrooms for cuties; elevate our careers to the next level; meet teachers; and catch up with old friends. I’m not the best at balancing all friends throughout the semester, but I’ve made the effort in the few days before classes toContinue reading “The Caterpillar”

Reflection: He Doesn’t Have a Crush on You

I sat at my computer glancing at other blogger’s posts and when I one on her crush caught my eye. I thought back to my He Has a Crush on You post and a little “Aww” went through my mind. Six months ago I felt that excitement you feel when you REALLY like someone and theyContinue reading “Reflection: He Doesn’t Have a Crush on You”

Alone Right Now

I remember walking back upstairs to my room after my mom dropped me off at college. She cried all the way here and as she started to drive off. I remember feeling like we were driving into an unknown. As I walked back into my room and sat down, I thought to myself: This isContinue reading “Alone Right Now”

A Day of Coming Out – My Love Letter

Today is National Coming Out Day and I am on the Pride Student Union Executive Board at FSU. It’s been hectic lately with editing videos, the week of events and with working on media on covering our Rainbow Door and March across campus. First, I have to say so much love today from a personalContinue reading “A Day of Coming Out – My Love Letter”

Finding Roots – A Sweet Two Years

Today is the second anniversary of writing Finding Roots! When I started this blog, I didn’t know what to expect, or who would really read it. It turned into a vulnerable, beautiful process allowing me to be connect with others, find myself and be honest. Below are the top five posts of my blog that helped bring meContinue reading “Finding Roots – A Sweet Two Years”